5 things your vet wants you to know about COVID-19 curbside care

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, many veterinary hospitals, like ours, have had to resort to curbside style practices in order to keep our clients, staff and pets safe and be able to keep serving our patients and local communities. These forced changes have resulted in a dynamic shift in daily communication, patient and client care. With pet owners not accompanying their pets in the building, especially when your pet is sick, we understand the concern and the forced amount of trust in your veterinarian and staff. Here is a list of things that your veterinarian wants you to know to help us help you and your pet.

1. Curbside medicine has not changed how we view patient care. 

If your pet is nervous stepping into the vet clinic, we promise to take every precaution to ease their concern and keep them comfortable. We are still using all techniques we use in the exam room with you, such as treats (with permission of course!) and low stress handling. We want your pet to feel comfortable with us and trust us just like they do with you in the room. If anything, the extra few minutes we get to spend with each pet allows us to do a more focused and thorough physical examination (and more time to love on them!)

We know curbside care can be especially unique for first time clients and puppy/kitten owners. We appreciate your trust in allowing us to take care of your pets and are very excited to meet you in person, not just over the phone, when all of this is over. 

2. Please tell us if you are concerned about cost or want an estimate.

We know times are hard right now, and we still want to provide the best care to your pet possible. If we are recommending something for your pet, we are just trying to help you and your pet feel better and have the best life possible. Veterinarians are trained to provide the best standard of care possible and that is always our first recommendation for you and your pet. If this is not an option for you or if finances are a concern, please be honest and we will work with you as best as we can. We all have the same goal, which is keeping your pet healthy and happy. 

3. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Heartworms and fleas/ticks are a real issue, especially in our area of North Carolina. We see the effects of these nasty critters daily in our practice, from mild to severe disease to even becoming fatal. The issues they can cause for you and your pet are completely preventable and much less expensive to prevent than to treat. By ensuring your pet is receiving a healthy and well balanced diet and is kept at a healthy weight, you can help extend their life substantially. By going the extra mile to care for your pet from the start, you will save money and help your pet be happier and healthier for as long as possible. 

4. We think about your pets when we are not at work.

Veterinarians are humans too. I do not know a single veterinarian or veterinary team member that does not go home or wake up at night thinking about their patients, or worry about them if they are sick. We often skip a lunch or bathroom break to talk to a concerned pet parent or stay after hours/weekends to help a sick pet. Curbside medicine is difficult for us too. It can be complicated and even difficult to explain medical topics over the phone instead of in person. Veterinary medicine is a team sport and our goal is to make and keep our patients healthy. We care just as much as you do to do everything we can to keep your pets happy and healthy for as long as we can. 

5. We are all in this together.

The changes of COVID-19 have taken a toll on everyone and have increased demands on all veterinarians in the area. We are trying to follow local laws and regulations while providing the best patient care, keeping our staff and clients safe, and accommodating everyone as best as we can. Because of this, we have seen an increase in call volume and patient volume and are occasionally experiencing delays. We miss seeing everyone and hope everyone can stay safe and healthy. In the meantime, we greatly appreciate your patience and flexibility and hope that things will return to normal soon.

If you would like to contact us or schedule an appointment, please call us at 704-847-8466 or email us at wah@wahcares.com.