Dental Care in Weddington, NC & Beyond
Weddington Animal Hospital offers routine veterinary dental services – including awake oral examinations, anesthetized dental examinations, dental cleanings, dental radiographs, and routine extractions and dental mass removals.
Regular Dental Care For Your Pets

Dental Exams For Your Dogs & Cats
Dental Cleanings: What’s Involved
Before: Dental cleanings in pets are performed under general anesthesia by your veterinary team. This means that your pet will be asleep during the dental procedure. Your pet will be examined by your veterinarian prior to anesthesia to ensure they are healthy. Preoperative blood work will be examined to ensure your pet’s internal organs are healthy and able to undergo anesthesia. If your pet has an underlying disease, special precautions will be taken to minimize risks and ensure your pet is able to undergo the procedure.

During: After the pet is anesthetized, a thorough oral examination is performed – the entire oral cavity including the tongue, cheeks, palate, and gums are evaluated. Each tooth is probed and examined to ensure it is healthy. If any diseased teeth are found, they may need to be removed, such as in a dental extraction, or may require additional specialist care. Often, dental radiographs are performed to assess dexterity and health of the teeth from the inside out. Your veterinarian will perform the dental examination and will contact you if any teeth appear to be abnormal, diseased or broken to make a treatment plan.
After: After the examination, the teeth are cleaned and polished using specialized equipment to remove debris and calculus. If your pet has teeth extracted, they will receive pain medication. Your pet may have dissolvable stitches in their mouth. A recheck will be performed in 2 weeks to assess healing of the oral cavity after extraction. Your pet will receive pain medication and additional medication as prescribed by your veterinarian.
Proudly Serving Weddington & Surrounding Areas
At Weddington Animal Hospital, we understand that dental care is an important part of your pet’s health and wellbeing. For any questions you may have about our techniques, or if you would like to schedule a dental cleaning, please feel free to call or email us.

Schedule Your Appointment
We would love the opportunity to meet you and your pet! You can fill out the appointment form and our office team will contact you shortly to schedule an appointment that works best for you.
Here at the Weddington Animal Hospital, we treat your pet like they should be treated, like a member of your family. We take pride in our level of care and customer service and we look forward to having you join our family.
Send Us a Message:
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...or call us directly:
13667 Providence Road
Matthews, NC 28104
Monday: 7:30am to 5:30pm
Tuesday: 7:30 am to 5:30pm
Wednesday: 7:30am to 5:30pm
Thursday: 7:30am to 5:30pm
Friday: 7:30 - 12pm, 2 - 5:30pm
Closed weekends